Cultivating Healing Spaces
SIIMDA Soul Care:
A Christian Model of Healing
Experiencing God’s Healing Presence in the Midst of Suffering
SIIMDA Soul Care is a holistic, trauma-informed therapeutic and pastoral healing modality that is rooted in God’s restorative power and desire for relationship and healing.
“The SIIMDA Soul Care retreat provided a rare experience of authenticity and transparency for me. It was a safe place that allowed me to get quiet and open up to parts of me that I have long kept hidden. I have a fresh understanding of God’s desire and ability to redeem my pain.”
~ Participant of Men’s Retreat
“I am thankful for this weekend experience. I never knew that I was so isolated and lonely. It was good to experience community and I leave with expectations that this community will continue to support me. I was profoundly moved to see my reflection in so many different forms, in each of the women as they engaged in the SIIMDA experiential healing process. God’s presence was practically tangible. Thank you for your leading me through this process and to learn about what happens to our bodies during trauma. I experienced Jesus’ presence in my in my pain. I am grateful for the true gift of your loving guidance.”
~ Participant of Women’s Retreat
“SIIMDA Soul Care was a great experience. It was life changing to address my childhood abuse. I was able to face the pain and trauma from my past and the shame of early sexual experiences. It was freeing to face my guilt from my suicide attempt and the horror it put my family through. Most of all, it was amazing to feel God’s forgiveness and love.”
~ SIIMDA Soul Care One-to-One