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The Mended Heart Retreat

The Mended Heart: A Christian Deep Soul Healing Retreat for Wives Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed

“It was with hesitation, great reservation, and no expectations that I came to this weekend retreat. At the most, I hoped to meet other women who were going through similar struggles. What I found was like minded women, with whom I was able to connect. Women who had experienced the same broken heartedness and devastation as I. Women who yearned for a Christ centered family and peaceful home life with a loving Christian husband, without all of the chaos, shame and brokenness of sexual addiction. With the help of the supportive women who attended and under Dave’s direction, I was able to place a huge burden that I have carried for many years into Jesus’ lap. I cannot express all that this weekend meant to me. The peace and freedom that I felt, the new friends that I met, and the coping tools that I now possess, can ultimately change my life. I will not have to complete my journey in total hopelessness and isolation.”

~ Participant from prior retreat

"The Mended Heart Retreat," is a transformative inner-healing retreat designed specifically for wives who have experienced any form of sexual betrayal. Being betrayed sexually by a spouse is traumatic and can have profound and far-reaching impact on all aspects of a person: emotionally, psychologically, physically, sexually, relationally, and spiritually. This retreat offers a safe and nurturing environment where you can safely process this specific type of trauma in the context of support and healing.

The Purpose:

The journey of healing from the pain and trauma of a spouse's sexual betrayal is challenging and often isolating. "The Mended Heart Retreat" aims to provide a compassionate space where you can encounter God's love, experience emotional and spiritual healing, and connect with other women who understand your struggles.

The Approach:

Often words fail to articulate the process of SIIMDA Soul Care since it is an experiential model. It is best understood after observing the work or participating in your own experience (see more detail on the “About” page of this website). The goal of the approach is to address core injuries, hurts, wounds, pains, sufferings, and traumas or to seek freedom from enslavements, gain insights, cultivate new awarenesses, and grow deeper in relationship with God. These issues are deeply embedded and become entangled with many aspects of our being such as the physical, emotional, psychological, relational, sexual, spiritual, and communal. This also includes our developmental histories in how we were formed and shaped in our childhoods. 

To address these areas of concern and aspects of personhood, a holistic approach is needed that can access parts of the body and brain where injuries are stored. While the process of healing is multifaceted, two main factors emerge in the academic research that is significant for healing: involving the body and community. 

Our bodies contain our histories and our stories. Research indicates that only talking about problems does not change how the body stores injuries or pain. An internal shift is needed in order for change to happen, healing to occur, or freedom to be experienced and the body must be included in this process. 

All non-medically based mental illness or problems can be viewed as stemming from broken,  unhealthy, toxic or abusive relationships. Therefore, relationships are crucial for healing. Our brains are social organs that grow in the context of other brains. There is something very powerful and healing that takes place when our stories are heard, seen, validated and held by a safe, authentic, and affirming community within God’s presence. This healing dynamic is reciprocal and occurs when we are witness to another’s story and healing process. 

Answers to common questions:

  • The SIIMDA Soul Care healing retreat will consist of 5-9 participants. While there will be times carved out for shared group sharing, spiritual practices, and to be by yourself (if you chose), the majority of the time will be in community where each participant is provided the opportunity to be guided through the SIIMDA Soul Care healing process. This means, you would individually engage in your own personal healing work within the larger group context. Each participant will have a time of focused attention being guided through the SIIMDA Soul Care experiential healing process.

    Conducting numerous retreats of this type throughout the years, I’m always amazed at how God invites a unique set of individuals into this time and space who are used in the lives of others. By your participation, you are not only attending for your own healing, but you will be instrumental in healing others in the group. Description text goes here

  • YES! This is not the kind of group or program where you will be ganged up on until you break or are forced to do something. You are in control and make decisions for your own work. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t want. You will not be required to share anything you’re not ready to tell, and you have the freedom to stop at any time. When I suggest an activity, you have the right to participate or not. However, I encourage you to make that decision with awareness and understand what’s behind your decision. When it’s your turn to work as the focus of the group (if indeed you do want to work) you can modify or say no to anything I suggest, and there will be no debate or judgment. With this said, this kind of work isn’t easy or comfortable. But that doesn't mean it isn’t healthy or healing. If you decide not to participate in some way, you might discover something if you ask what your objections are. Regardless of your reasons, your decision will be honored as something you are doing to care for yourself. Keep in mind that part of healing is growing in our capacity for discomfort. 

  • While all participants of this particular retreat will be dealing with sexual betrayal, the Holy Spirit invites each person attending to a healing process that is unique. You may be called to something quite different from what others experience. God offers each person attending an invitation to grow a little bit-or maybe even a lot. Perhaps you will get in touch with a next step. Or maybe now is the time to experience some feeling or memory you’ve been avoiding. Maybe you will get in touch with an inner shift of some kind, or a new awareness. Maybe you will discover some new parts of yourself. Whatever it is, it’s up to you and God how far you go during this weekend.

  • As we gather together in Christian fellowship, it is essential to remember that our group will be enriched by a variety of faith journeys and theological perspectives. Each individual's understanding and expression of their faith is uniquely valuable and you are invited to express your faith, which will be part of the retreat. However, we want to be respectful if another person’s faith is different from your own. Therefore, it is required that each participant respect the faith journeys of others who attend the retreat. This weekend is not the space to impose a particular brand of Christianity or debate theology. 

    Respect and openness are fundamental to our time together. Whether you are firmly rooted in your beliefs, exploring new aspects of your faith, or somewhere in between, your presence and perspective are a cherished part of our collective experience.

    Let us approach our work together and conversations with humility and a willingness to listen. In doing so, we create a space where everyone feels safe, valued, and heard. May our retreat be a time of growth, understanding, and deepened faith for all. Together, let's embrace the diversity of our spiritual paths with respect and love.


The retreat center is at a private log house in a picturesque setting in the country near Clymer, PA.


The cost includes 20 hours of therapeutic process work through the SIIMDA Soul Care approach, lodging and meals (additional fees for dietary accommodations).  The cost is $595 for double room occupancy and $650 for single room (only two single rooms available). Bathrooms are shared.

Limited financial aid is available. Please ask if needed.

Room Accommodations

Double Room - $595

Single Room - $650 (only 2 available)

Please note, there are only two single rooms available and will be booked in order of registrations.


click on the button below to register for this retreat.

A deposit of $150 is required to reserve your spot.

Full payment is due by August 10th.

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