Q: How many people usually attend an Intensive Healing Retreat?
A: Generally, participants range from 5 to 9 participants.
Q: How is a SIIMDA Soul Care Intensive Healing Retreat different from other retreats?
A: Retreats are usually defined as a period of time to step away from the daily hustle and bustle of life to focus on one’s relationship with God. Usually this time away involves spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, solitude, and rest with the focus of deepening one’s relationship with God. These practices are certainly a part of a SIIMDA Soul Care Intensive Healing Retreat; however, the main focus is offering each participant a guided process of experiencing God’s healing experientially through the SIIMDA Soul Care approach (see the About page to learn more about the components of SIIMDA Soul Care).
Q: How would I know if this type of retreat is for me?
A: If you discern that God is leading you to the next place of healing in your journey and you are open to this invitation, then you are welcomed to attend. However, the SIIMDA Soul Care experiential process does require a willingness to be vulnerable and the ability to hold space for emotions, yours and others. If there are challenges with emotional stability, then this type of intensive would not be a good fit for you. If you are currently seeking mental health treatment, it is recommended that you consult with your professional provider to assess your level of readiness to attend.
Q: Do I have to come with an identified issue to work on?
A: Not at all. Some participants enter the retreat with a clear, identified issue that will be the focus of healing; however, you only need to have an open willingness and a sense that God is inviting you to a deeper level of healing.
Q: I’ve attended other spiritual events where I felt forced. Will I be made to do something I don’t feel is right for me?
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT! You and your decisions will be respected. You will always have the choice to participant at the level of your choosing.